What problem are you trying to solve in seating birthday guests at table and not trying to sit enemies together

• What are your constraints?
• What does success look like?
• Prepare
• Brainstorm / research possible solutions
• Compare pros and cons
• Make a plan
• Try
• Put your plan into action
• How do your results compare to the goals you set while defining the problem?

Four sentences

The problem I am trying to solve is how to seat birthday guests at a table without sitting enemies together.

The constraints include limited seating options and the need to avoid any conflict or uncomfortable situations between the guests.

Success would look like all the guests being seated comfortably at the table without any conflicts arising.

To achieve this, I would prepare by gathering information about the guests and their relationships. Then, I would brainstorm possible seating arrangements and research any potential conflicts. After comparing the pros and cons of each arrangement, I would make a seating plan that ensures enemies are not seated together.

After putting the plan into action, I would reflect on the results and compare them to the goals initially set. If all the guests are seated comfortably without any conflicts, then the plan would have been successful in achieving the desired outcome.