From the story of "Phaethon, Son of Apollo" Do you think Phaethon deserves his fate? Why or why not? Use two examples from the myth to support your answer.

In the story of "Phaethon, Son of Apollo," it can be argued that Phaethon deserves his fate due to his reckless behavior and his lack of respect for authority. Two examples from the myth support the notion that Phaethon is responsible for his tragic destiny.

Firstly, Phaethon's decision to drive his father's sun chariot displays his impulsive and irresponsible nature. When Phaethon learns about his true heritage, he becomes filled with pride and desires to prove himself by driving the sun chariot, which controls the rising and setting of the sun. Despite his lack of experience and knowledge, he boldly approaches Apollo to request permission. However, Apollo, aware of the immense dangers of the task, attempts to dissuade his son due to his inability to control the powerful horses. Phaethon dismisses his father's concerns and insists on proceeding, demonstrating his arrogance and foolishness. This decision ultimately leads to disastrous consequences, as Phaethon loses control of the sun chariot, resulting in devastating consequences for the Earth, including scorching deserts and freezing lands.

Secondly, Phaethon's lack of respect for authority can be observed in his interactions with Zeus, the supreme god. As Phaethon realizes the immense damage he has caused to the Earth, he seeks Zeus' intervention to rectify the situation. However, instead of humbly accepting his wrongdoing and acknowledging his lack of experience, Phaethon confronts Zeus with insolence and audacity. He demands proof of his divine lineage, challenging Zeus to grant him any favor as a testament to his heritage. Zeus, frustrated by Phaethon's disrespect, reluctantly grants his wish to avoid further chaos. This results in Phaethon being struck down by a thunderbolt, leading to his untimely death.

These two examples illustrate Phaethon's irresponsibility, arrogance, and defiance toward figures of authority, which ultimately contribute to his unfortunate fate. Despite his noble intentions and desire to prove himself, Phaethon's actions showcase his lack of judgment, leading to disastrous consequences and justifying his destiny.