In the story “A Devoted Son” by Anita Desai, Rakesh, the son, touches his father Varma’s feet. What is the significance of this, and how does it change as the story progresses?

In Indian culture, touching one's parents' or elders' feet is a sign of respect and devotion. It is a way to show reverence for their wisdom, guidance, and authority. In the story, Rakesh's gesture of touching his father's feet symbolizes his deep love and respect for Varma.

As the story progresses, Rakesh's attitude towards his father changes. Initially, Rakesh is devoted to his father and fulfills his wishes and expectations unquestioningly. However, as Varma ages and becomes ill, Rakesh's devotion turns into frustration and resentment. He feels burdened by his father's constant demands and the sacrifices he has made for him. This change in Rakesh's attitude is reflected in his reluctance to touch his father's feet towards the end of the story.

Ultimately, the significance of Rakesh touching his father's feet evolves from a gesture of love and respect to a symbol of duty and obligation. The gesture loses its sincerity and becomes an empty ritual as Rakesh's feelings towards his father become more complicated. Through this change, Anita Desai explores the complexities of family relationships and the impact of duty and obligation on personal feelings.