Fleur wants to make tables and chairs. She has a total of 150 wooden boards and 330 nails. The inequality 17T+6C≤150

represents the number of tables, T and chairs, C, she can make with 150 wooden boards. The inequality 34T + 27C≤330
represents the number of tables and chairs she can make with 330 nails. Determine if Fleur has enough boards and nails to make 3 tables and 9 chairs and satisfy the constraints.

HINT *start by graphing the inequalities in Desmos

(1 point)

Fluer has enough boards but not enough nails. The given solution is viable.
Fluer has enough boards but not enough nails. The given solution is viable.

Fluer has enough nails but not enough boards. The given solution is not viable.
Fluer has enough nails but not enough boards. The given solution is not viable.

Fleur has enough nails but not enough boards. The given solution is viable.
Fleur has enough nails but not enough boards. The given solution is viable.

Fleur has enough boards but not enough nails. The given solution is not viable.

The correct answer is: Fleur has enough nails but not enough boards. The given solution is not viable.