Discuss how you’re feeling about the narrator Josh have developed over the course of this verse novel. One what was your initial impression of him? To describe what words or events in which poems shape your feelings about him. Three what if anything has changed your impression of him?

Throughout this verse novel, my impression of the narrator Josh has evolved significantly. Initially, my impression of him was that of a highly introspective and sensitive individual, possibly struggling with inner demons and a sense of isolation. This impression was shaped by words and events in several poems that highlighted his introspective nature and his vivid descriptions of emotions.

In the beginning, I was introduced to Josh through poems that portrayed his deep thoughtfulness and his ability to perceive the world in a unique way. Words like "haunting," "lonely," and "melancholic" evoked a sense of sadness and introspection. Similarly, events such as his musings about the night sky and his reflections on personal relationships further deepened my initial impression of him.

However, as the verse novel progressed, my impression of Josh gradually changed. Through various poems, it became evident that he was not just a passive observer of his emotions but someone who actively sought growth and understanding. Poems that centered around resilience, self-discovery, and personal growth highlighted his determination to confront his inner struggles and find solace.

One poem that particularly impacted my impression of Josh was his exploration of self-acceptance and embracing vulnerability. In this poem, he spoke about his journey towards self-acceptance, shedding the façades he had built over time, which added layers of complexity to his character. This shift in focus from isolation to introspection and growth altered my perspective of him, making me appreciate the depth of his character and his resilience.

Additionally, the progression of relationships in the novel further shaped my feelings towards Josh. As he became more open to connect with others, whether through friendship, love, or familial bonds, his vulnerability and capacity for empathy became apparent. These moments of connection and understanding demonstrated his growth as a person and fostered a sense of empathy and admiration towards him.

Overall, my initial impression of Josh as a sensitive and introspective individual transformed into an appreciation for his resilience, growth, and willingness to confront his inner struggles. The words, events, and relationships depicted throughout the verse novel played a crucial role in shaping my feelings about him and highlighting his multidimensionality as a character.