A percent is a way of a expressing a part out of 100. Remember learning about ratios and how they compare quantities? A part-to-whole ratio is a ratio that compares a part of a whole to another part of a whole. A percent is a part-to-whole ratio where the whole is 100. 40%, or 40 out of 100, is a ratio that compares 40, the part, to 100, the whole.

Which of these could you express as a percent?

how many of the 100 yogurts in the refrigerator are strawberry

the average size of the 100 yogurts in the refrigerator

the maximum number of yogurts the refrigerator can hold

how many grams of sugar the 100 yogurts in the refrigerator have altogether

A - how many of the 100 yogurts in the refrigerator are strawberry

C - the maximum number of yogurts the refrigerator can hold

D - how many grams of sugar the 100 yogurts in the refrigerator have altogether