Are humans naturally good or evil?

The question of whether humans are naturally good or evil is a matter of philosophical debate and perspective. Different schools of thought have varying viewpoints on this issue.

Some argue that humans are naturally good and inclined towards moral behavior. They believe that individuals have inherent virtues, such as empathy and compassion. This perspective suggests that people are driven by a sense of altruism and responsibility towards others.

On the other hand, some argue that humans are naturally inclined towards evil or unethical behaviors. This viewpoint suggests that people are driven by self-interest, survival instincts, or a desire for power. It emphasizes the darker aspects of human nature and the potential for corruption.

It is important to note that human behavior is influenced by various factors, including genetics, socialization, culture, and personal experiences. Therefore, it can be challenging to attribute a singular natural tendency towards good or evil.

Ultimately, the answer to this question may vary depending on one's beliefs, experiences, and observations of human behavior.