why did kennedy think democrats would support him in the election

Kennedy likely believed that Democrats would support him in the election for a few key reasons:

1. Party loyalty: Democrats traditionally support their party's candidates in elections, so Kennedy expected that party members would rally behind him as the Democratic nominee.

2. President Truman's endorsement: Kennedy received a crucial endorsement from former President Harry S. Truman, a highly respected figure within the Democratic Party. Truman's endorsement likely swayed many Democrats to support Kennedy.

3. Kennedy's popularity within the party: Despite facing competition from other Democratic candidates, Kennedy was well-liked and had built a strong base of support within the party. His charisma, youthful image, and inspiring rhetoric appealed to many Democrats.

4. Kennedy's strong primary performance: During the Democratic primaries, Kennedy had won several key states and secured a significant number of delegates. This success likely reassured him that he had significant support within the party and would be able to garner further support in the general election.

Overall, Kennedy's belief in Democratic support stemmed from party loyalty, important endorsements, his popularity within the party, and his successful primary performance.