Part A: Different States of Matter

1. Complete the following data table by recording ideas about each state - solid,liquid, and gad - and it's properties.

Solid. Ideas about the state. Properties


Ideas about the state: In a solid state, matter has a definite shape and volume. The particles in a solid are closely packed together and have a fixed position. They vibrate but do not move freely.

Properties: Solids are rigid and cannot be compressed easily. They have a high density and are typically hard. Examples of solids include rocks, wood, and metal.

Ideas about the state: In a liquid state, matter has a definite volume but takes the shape of its container. The particles in a liquid are close together but can move past each other.

Properties: Liquids can flow and take the shape of the container they are poured into. They have a lower density compared to solids and can be compressed to a small extent. Examples of liquids include water, milk, and oil.

Ideas about the state: In a gas state, matter does not have a definite shape or volume. The particles in a gas are far apart and move rapidly in all directions.

Properties: Gases can easily fill any container they are placed in and can expand or contract to occupy the entire available space. They have a low density and are highly compressible. Examples of gases include oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.