Which are accurate statements about dark matter? Select the two correct answers.(1 point) Responses Scientists have hypotheses about dark matter but need more data to test their ideas. Scientists have hypotheses about dark matter but need more data to test their ideas. Scientists are not convinced that dark matter exists. Scientists are not convinced that dark matter exists. New data could cause scientists to change their hypotheses about dark matter. New data could cause scientists to change their hypotheses about dark matter. Scientists thoroughly understand what dark matter is and what it does.

The accurate statements about dark matter are:

1. Scientists have hypotheses about dark matter but need more data to test their ideas.
2. New data could cause scientists to change their hypotheses about dark matter.

The two accurate statements about dark matter are:

1. Scientists have hypotheses about dark matter but need more data to test their ideas.
2. New data could cause scientists to change their hypotheses about dark matter.

The two accurate statements about dark matter are:

1. Scientists have hypotheses about dark matter but need more data to test their ideas.
2. New data could cause scientists to change their hypotheses about dark matter.

To determine the correct answers, we need to understand the current state of knowledge regarding dark matter. Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, hence it cannot be directly observed. Scientists have proposed the existence of dark matter based on its gravitational effects on visible matter in the universe, such as galaxies and galaxy clusters.

However, despite extensive research, the nature and composition of dark matter remain unknown. Therefore, scientists have hypotheses about dark matter but require additional data to test and validate their ideas. This statement acknowledges that our understanding of dark matter is still incomplete and subject to further investigation.

Additionally, new data and observations have the potential to significantly impact our understanding of dark matter. As scientific knowledge evolves, new discoveries can lead to revisions or changes in existing hypotheses. This is true for any scientific field, including our understanding of dark matter.

On the other hand, the statements claiming that scientists are not convinced that dark matter exists and that scientists thoroughly understand what dark matter is and what it does are incorrect. While there are ongoing debates and alternative theories concerning dark matter, the majority of scientists acknowledge the existence of dark matter based on the available evidence. Furthermore, our understanding of dark matter is still incomplete, and scientists continue to investigate and study it to gain a more comprehensive understanding.