Which of the following illustrate the commutative property?

Select all that apply.

3 + 4 + 6 = 3 + 6 + 4

3 x ( 4 x 6) = (3 x 4) x 6

2 - 4 - 5 = 4 - 2 - 5

9 x 2 x 7 = 7 x 9 x 2

2 +3 + 1 = 3 + 1 + 2

(3 + 4 + 6 = 3 + 6 + 4

9 x 2 x 7 = 7 x 9 x 2

2 + 3 + 1 = 3 + 1 + 2

5 + 2 - 4 = 5 - 4 + 2)

The examples that illustrate the commutative property are:

3 + 4 + 6 = 3 + 6 + 4
2 + 3 + 1 = 3 + 1 + 2
9 x 2 x 7 = 7 x 9 x 2

How does globalization with the increased flows of people, ideas, greenhouses gases, goods, dollars, and viruses within and across borders impact the concept of sovereignty?

A. Globalization does't change the importance of sovereignty.

B. Globalization makes it more important for countries to consider the limits of sovereignty.

C. Globalization makes it more important for countries to protect their sovereignty.


B. Globalization makes it more important for countries to consider the limits of sovereignty.

how did you get this answer

I arrived at this answer by considering the impact of globalization on the concept of sovereignty. Globalization involves increased flows of people, ideas, greenhouse gases, goods, dollars, and viruses across borders. These flows can challenge the traditional notions of sovereignty, which emphasize the absolute authority of a country within its borders.

With globalization, countries are increasingly interconnected and interdependent, and decisions made within one country can have ripple effects on others. This can limit a country's ability to fully exercise its sovereignty, as issues such as climate change, economic interconnectedness, and public health can transcend borders and require international cooperation and coordination.

Therefore, in the context of globalization, it becomes more important for countries to consider the limits of their sovereignty and to engage in international cooperation to address global challenges effectively. This aligns with option B, which states that globalization makes it more important for countries to consider the limits of sovereignty.