A detailed and well-illustrated chalkboard showing a mathematical operation being solved. The chalkboard showcases a stepped-out solution concept that includes the demonstration of some algebraic properties including the Commutative Property of Addition and the Distributive Property. It begins with an equation '8(5+h+2)'. Following the operations by switching the numbers and variables using the Commutative Property of Addition, multiplying using the Distributive Property, and finally arriving at the solution '8⋅h+56'. The chalkboard is clean and the mathematical expressions are written neatly, without any text or explanation.

Complete the following stepped-out solution to show that 8(5+h+2)

is equivalent to 8⋅h+56
. (2 points)
8(h++2) Apply the Commutative Property of Addition and add.
8(h+ ) 8⋅h+8⋅ Apply the Distributive Property and multiply.


= 8(h+5+2) (Apply the Commutative Property of Addition and add)
= 8(h+7) (Combine like terms)
= 8⋅h+8⋅7 (Apply the Distributive Property and multiply)
= 8⋅h+56 (Simplify the product)