A certain road map indicates that two cities are 150 km apart. If the scale on the map is .25 cm = 30 km, and if the road between the two cities is straight, how far apart, in cm, are the cities shown on the map?

Given that the scale on the map is 0.25 cm = 30 km, we can find how many centimeters represent 150 km by setting up a proportion:

0.25 cm / 30 km = x cm / 150 km

To solve for x, cross-multiply:

30 km * x cm = 0.25 cm * 150 km

Divide both sides by 30 km:

x cm = (0.25 cm * 150 km) / 30 km


x cm = 1.25 cm

Therefore, the cities are shown as 1.25 cm apart on the map