The scale on a map is 1 cm : 4 km. If two cities are 16 cm apart on the map, what is the actual distance between the cities?

d = 4km/cm * 16cm = 64 km.

well, that would be 16*4 km, right?

Simple multiply 16 by 4. That will give you the distance between the cities. I'll be glad to check your answer afterwards, if necessary.

Answers for test ;(

To find the actual distance between the two cities, you'll need to use the scale provided on the map. In this case, the scale is 1 cm : 4 km.

The first step is to convert the distance on the map (16 cm) to kilometers. You can do this by multiplying the distance on the map by the value for each centimeter in kilometers according to the scale.

16 cm x (4 km/1 cm) = 64 km

So, the distance between the two cities in actual kilometers is 64 km.