
What was the main cause of the Cold War?
(1 point)
the stockpiling of nuclear weapons by the United States
ideological differences between Western and Eastern European countries
the Bay of Pigs incident in Cuba
the fall of the Berlin Wall

The ideological differences between Western and Eastern European countries were the main cause of the Cold War.


Which of the following best describes the Cold War?
(1 point)
covert hostility between Western democratic nations and Eastern communist nations
barriers built by communist governments in Eastern Europe as a buffer against the West
a political association of European countries seeking peace and political stability
a wall in Berlin separating the eastern and western parts of the city

The best description of the Cold War is covert hostility between Western democratic nations and Eastern communist nations.


As a result of the Potsdam Conference in 1945,
(1 point)
Western Europe came under the U.S.S.R.'s communist control.
a panel of military experts was formed to combat any remaining Nazi combatants.
a Council of Foreign Ministers was formed to establish new boundaries in Europe.
a resolution to established democratic principles throughout Europe was implemented.

As a result of the Potsdam Conference in 1945, a Council of Foreign Ministers was formed to establish new boundaries in Europe.