Describe the role of nuclear weapons in global affairs.(1 point)


The existence of nuclear weapons has been used as a bargaining chip and threat during global affairs in the Cold War and beyond.
The existence of nuclear weapons has been used as a bargaining chip and threat during global affairs in the Cold War and beyond.

The existence of nuclear weapons has been used as a threat, but never a bargaining chip, during global affairs.
The existence of nuclear weapons has been used as a threat, but never a bargaining chip, during global affairs.

The existence of nuclear weapons was used as a bargaining chip and threat during global affairs until the fall of the Soviet Union.
The existence of nuclear weapons was used as a bargaining chip and threat during global affairs until the fall of the Soviet Union.

The existence of nuclear weapons has been used as a bargaining chip and threat during global affairs exclusively between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

The existence of nuclear weapons has played a significant role in global affairs as a powerful deterrent and source of influence. Nuclear weapons have been used as a bargaining chip and threat by countries such as the United States, Russia, China, and others to enhance their national security, establish geopolitical dominance, and prevent attacks from potential adversaries. The threat of nuclear capabilities has often been used as leverage in negotiations, alliances, and conflicts, shaping the dynamics of international relations and deterring aggression. The possession of nuclear weapons has not only influenced diplomatic strategies but also contributed to the arms race, non-proliferation efforts, and the maintenance of a fragile balance of power in the world. Overall, nuclear weapons have had a profound impact on global affairs, shaping the behavior of nations and the structure of the international system.