Compare and contrast Greece(A) and Rome (B) . How are they alike/different? You can use the Venn Diagram below or create your own list. HINT: The middle circle should contain characteristics they share in common

Here is a Venn diagram comparing Greece and Rome:

A. Greece B. Rome

- Both were ancient civilizations.
- Both were located in Europe.
- Both had a rich cultural heritage.
- Both had a significant impact on Western civilization.
- Both had polytheistic religions.

- Formed city-states, such as Athens and Sparta.
- Known as the birthplace of democracy.
- Focused more on philosophy, literature, and the arts.
- Created the Olympic Games.
- Developed a unique architectural style with the use of columns, like the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders.

- Established a republic, later transforming into an empire.
- Introduced the concept of a written code of law, known as the Twelve Tables.
- Excelled in engineering and developed an impressive road system, aqueducts, and arches.
- Known for its military prowess and dominance in warfare.
- Built monumental structures, such as the Colosseum, Pantheon, and aqueducts.

In summary, both Greece and Rome were ancient civilizations that contributed greatly to Western civilization. They shared similarities in terms of location, cultural heritage, and religion. However, they differed in their political systems, areas of focus in intellectual pursuits, and architectural achievements.