
Jada has challenged herself to do at least 100 full push-ups this week. On Sunday, she does 30 push-ups. Her arms are sore, so she decides to do fewer push-ups on the remaining days of the week. She wants to do the same number of push-ups each day for the rest of the week. Write and solve an inequality for the number of push-ups Jada needs to do each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal of 100 push-ups. Which answer choice best interprets the solution in the context of the problem?(1 point)

Jada needs to do at least 14 push-ups each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal.
Jada needs to do at least 14 push-ups each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal.

Jada needs to do at least 10 push-ups each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal.
Jada needs to do at least 10 push-ups each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal.

Jada needs to do push-ups for at least 12 more days to meet her goal.
Jada needs to do push-ups for at least 12 more days to meet her goal.

Jada needs to do at least 12 push-ups each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal.
Jada needs to do at least 12 push-ups each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal.
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Let x be the number of push-ups Jada needs to do each day for the rest of the week. Since there are 7 days in a week, Jada needs to do push-ups for 7 - 1 = 6 more days. Therefore, the total number of push-ups Jada needs to do for the rest of the week is 6*x. This total should be at least 100, so we can write the inequality:

6*x ≥ 100

Dividing both sides of the inequality by 6, we get:

x ≥ 100/6 = 16.67

Since Jada can't do a fraction of a push-up, she needs to do at least 17 push-ups each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal.

Therefore, the best answer choice that interprets the solution in the context of the problem is:

Jada needs to do at least 17 push-ups each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal.