Jada has challenged herself to do at least 100 full push-ups this week. On Sunday, she does 30 push-ups. Her arms are sore, so she decides to do fewer push-ups on the remaining days of the week. She wants to do the same number of push-ups each day for the rest of the week Write and solve an inequality for the number of push-ups Jada needs to do each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal of 100 push-ups. Which answer choice best interprets the solution in the context of the problem? (1 point)

Jada needs to do at least 10 push-ups each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal.

Jada needs to do at least 14 push-ups each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal

Jada needs to do at least 12 push-ups each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal

Jada needs to do push-ups for at least 12 more days to meet her goal,

Let x be the number of push-ups Jada needs to do each day for the rest of the week.

The total number of push-ups Jada needs to do for the week is 30 + x*6 = 100.
Subtracting 30 from both sides, we get x*6 = 70.
Dividing both sides by 6, we get x = 70/6 ≈ 11.67.
Since Jada cannot do a decimal number of push-ups, the closest whole number that Jada needs to do each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal is 12, which is the answer choice "Jada needs to do at least 12 push-ups each day for the rest of the week to meet her goal."