Bryan has 5 2/3 feet of leather cord to use to make friendship bracelets. He needs 1/2 foot of cord for each one. How many whole bracelets can Bryan make?

To find out how many whole bracelets Bryan can make, we need to divide the total amount of cord Bryan has by the amount needed for each bracelet.

To convert 5 2/3 feet to a mixed fraction, we multiply the whole number part (5) by the denominator (3), which equals 15. Then, add the numerator (2) to get 17. So 5 2/3 can be written as 17/3.

Next, we can divide 17/3 by 1/2 to see how many whole bracelets Bryan can make.

17/3 ÷ 1/2 = 17/3 × 2/1 = 34/3 = 11 1/3.

Therefore, Bryan can make 11 whole bracelets.