Two way table quick check

A two-way table, also known as a contingency table, is a table that presents two variables and their frequencies or percentages. It is used to compare and analyze the relationship between two categorical variables.

To check your understanding of two-way tables, here are a few quick questions:

1. In a two-way table, how are the variables typically presented?
a) Rows and columns
b) X and Y axes
c) Bar chart and line graph

2. How can you calculate the row or column totals in a two-way table?
a) By adding the frequencies across each row or column
b) By multiplying the frequencies across each row or column
c) By subtracting the frequencies across each row or column

3. What is the purpose of a two-way table?
a) To display quantitative data
b) To show the relationship between two categorical variables
c) To analyze continuous data

1. a) Rows and columns
2. a) By adding the frequencies across each row or column
3. b) To show the relationship between two categorical variables