An image composition that abstractly illustrates the concept of energy transfer and temperature in a science experiment setting. The visual elements should include: two different water samples with test tubes indicating different temperatures, one in a colder setting and one in a warmer setting with food coloring being dropped into them; a table depicting the temperature of three water samples, ordered to represent greatest to least kinetic energy; and an experiment setup focusing on the kinetic energy transfer involving ice in a water sample. Please ensure no text is present in the image.

Here are all the answers for the Energy Transfer and Temperature Quick Check.

1.A student places a drop of food coloring into two water samples. Her observations are shown in the table. Which statement best explains the observations in the table?

Answer: The temperature of sample 2 is higher

2. Which experimental setup would let a student investigate the connection between kinetic energy and temperature?

Answer: placing one drop of food coloring in a cup with 50 mL of water at 10ยบC; placing one drop of food coloring in a second cup with 50 mL of water at 40ยบC

3. A student lists some possible ways to investigate the transfer of kinetic energy using ice in a sample of water. Which procedure would be best to investigate the transfer of kinetic energy?

Answer: 1

The table shows the temperature of three water samples. Which list shows the samples in order from greatest to least average kinetic energy of the water molecules?

Answer: M,L, N

I just took the quick check. I couldn't find anything to check my answers. Here you guys go! :)

Thanks, Mars, you're so smart, man.

These answers are all correct! Thanks mars :)

mars is right!


Mars is correct. I got 4/4. Thanks!

YAy Mars is Right!!

thank you mars!

Thanks Ya'll!!


Which two groups of elements in the periodic table are the most reactive?

Answer is C
Which statement about nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) is correct?
Answer is A
Which property do transition metals have in common?
Answer is C
Neon and argon are both in Group 18 of the periodic table. Which property do they most likely share?
Answer is C
A scientist studies an element that has seven electrons in its outer shell, is fairly toxic, is a gas at room temperature, and is highly reactive. To which group of the periodic table does this element belong?
Answer is A