Everybody has bad days. When should you intervene if you think that a friend is suicidal?

if they express any kind of anxiety

if they have any symptom of depression

if they express a desire to hurt themselves

It's important to take any signs of suicidal thoughts or behaviors seriously. If you notice any of the following warning signs, it may be necessary to intervene and seek professional help for your friend:

1. Expressing thoughts or talking about suicide directly, even if it seems vague or indirect.
2. Sudden changes in mood or behavior, such as becoming withdrawn, agitated, or socially isolated.
3. Giving away belongings or making arrangements as if getting their affairs in order.
4. Engaging in reckless or risky behavior without care for their own safety.
5. Drastic changes in sleeping or eating patterns, significant weight loss or gain.
6. Expressing a sense of hopelessness, worthlessness, or feeling like a burden to others.
7. Increased substance abuse or engaging in self-destructive behaviors.
8. Loss of interest in activities they previously enjoyed.
9. Expressing feelings of being trapped or having no way out of their situation.

If you notice any of these warning signs, it is crucial to take immediate action and seek help for your friend. Encourage them to talk to a mental health professional, a helpline, or reach out to someone who can provide support immediately. Remember, it is always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to someone's safety and well-being.