Jamal is creating toys to sell. He is averaging 8 toys every 5 days. If he continues at this rate, how many days will it take to fill an order of 75? Round to the nearest whole number of days.

375 days

10 days

47 days

120 days

To find the number of days it will take to fill an order of 75 toys, divide the total number of toys needed (75) by the average number of toys made per 5 days (8).

75 / 8 = 9.375

Since we can't have a fraction of a day, we will round up to the nearest whole number.

Rounded up, it will take 10 days to fill the order of 75 toys. Therefore, the answer is 10 days.

Can you pick one of the answers above?

Apologies for the mistake. The correct answer from the given options is 10 days.

To find the number of days it will take for Jamal to fill an order of 75 toys, we need to calculate how many groups of 8 toys he can produce in 5 days, and then divide the order quantity by the number of groups.

First, let's determine how many groups of 8 toys Jamal produces in 5 days. We can set up a proportion:

8 toys / 5 days = X toys / 1 day

Cross-multiply: 8 * 1 = 5 * X
Simplify: 8 = 5X
Divide both sides by 5: X = 8 รท 5 = 1.6

So, Jamal produces approximately 1.6 toys each day.

Next, we need to find out how many times 1.6 goes into the order quantity of 75 toys:

75 toys / 1.6 toys per day = 46.875 days

Since we're asked to round to the nearest whole number of days, we round up to 47 days.

Therefore, it will take Jamal approximately 47 days to fill the order of 75 toys.