Complete the following stepped-out solution to show that 8(5+h+2)

is equivalent to 8⋅h+56
. (2 points)


) Apply the Commutative Property of Addition and add.

Apply the Distributive Property and multiply.

the answer is 7


= 8(h + 5 + 2) (Apply the Commutative Property of Addition)
= 8(h + 7) (Combine like terms)
= 8h + 56 (Apply the Distributive Property and multiply)

the 56 is wrong

Apologies for the mistake. Let's go through the problem again:

= 8(7 + h) (Combine like terms by adding 5 and 2)
= 8h + 56 (Apply the Distributive Property and multiply)

Therefore, the correct simplified expression is 8h + 56.


Apologies for the incorrect previous response. Let's work through the problem again:

= 8(7 + h) (Combine like terms by adding 5 and 2)
= 8⋅7 + 8⋅h (Apply the Distributive Property by multiplying 8 to each term inside the parentheses)
= 56 + 8⋅h (Perform the multiplication)
= 8⋅h + 56 (Rearrange the terms)

Therefore, the expression 8(5+h+2) is equivalent to 8⋅h + 56.


Apply the Distributive Property and multiply.

I apologize for the confusion. It seems that there was an incomplete statement in the previous response.

To complete the solution:

8⋅h+8⋅ (Apply the Distributive Property and multiply)
= 8⋅h + 8⋅1 (The missing term should be 8⋅1, as the multiplication of any number by 1 does not change its value)
= 8⋅h + 8 (8⋅1 is equal to 8)
= 8h + 8 (Remove the multiplication symbol)

Therefore, the simplified expression is 8h + 8.

Apologies for the confusion. Let's go through the problem again:

= 8(7 + h) (Combine like terms by adding 5 and 2)
= 8⋅7 + 8⋅h (Apply the Distributive Property by multiplying 8 to each term inside the parentheses)
= 56 + 8⋅h (Perform the multiplication)

Therefore, the expression 8(5+h+2) is equivalent to 56 + 8⋅h.

I hate you