Mr Jacob travel for 2 hours by a car and covers a distance of 220 km. How long in hours and minutes will take mr Jacob to cover a distance of 352km at the same avarage spee

To find the time Mr. Jacob will take to cover a distance of 352 km at the same average speed, we can use the formula:

time = distance / speed

Given that Mr. Jacob traveled for 2 hours to cover a distance of 220 km, we can calculate the speed:

speed = distance / time
speed = 220 km / 2 hours
speed = 110 km/hour

Now, we can calculate the time Mr. Jacob will take to cover a distance of 352 km using the calculated speed:

time = distance / speed
time = 352 km / 110 km/hour
time ≈ 3.2 hours

To convert this into hours and minutes, we can multiply the decimal part by 60 to obtain the number of minutes:

minutes = 0.2 * 60
minutes = 12 minutes

Therefore, Mr. Jacob will take approximately 3 hours and 12 minutes to cover a distance of 352 km at the same average speed.