Select the description that appeals to each of the five senses.

The sour candy made my lips pucker and mouth water.

As I stood in the field of daisies, a sweet floral aroma filled the air.

While at the beach, the heat of the sun burned my sensitive skin.

An intense bang was the result of my baby brother dropping a stack of pots and pans in the kitchen.

The sky was a wild blend of pink, orange, and purple as the sun begin to rise.

- Sour candy made my lips pucker and mouth water (taste and touch).

- A sweet floral aroma filled the air in the field of daisies (smell).
- The heat of the sun burned my sensitive skin at the beach (touch).
- An intense bang resulted from my baby brother dropping a stack of pots and pans in the kitchen (sound).
- The sky was a wild blend of pink, orange, and purple as the sun began to rise (sight).