Select the best description that appeals to each of the five senses.(5 points)

While at the beach the heat of the sun burned my sensitive skin

Sight: The glistening waves of the ocean danced under the bright sunlight, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

Sound: The gentle crash of the waves provided a soothing background melody, mixing with the joyful laughter of children playing in the sand.
Smell: The salty aroma of the ocean mingled with the refreshing scent of sunscreen, creating a unique and invigorating fragrance.
Taste: The cool, tangy flavor of a freshly squeezed lemonade quenched my thirst and filled my mouth with delightful citrus notes.
Touch: The warm, grainy sand slipped through my fingers as I dug my toes into its soft and welcoming texture.

While at the beach the heat of the sun burned my sensitive skin, What sense is this

This description appeals to the sense of touch.