who were the 3 people involved in the acquisition of territory for Oregon Territory?

The three main individuals involved in the acquisition of territory for the Oregon Territory were:

1. John Jacob Astor: A wealthy American fur trader and investor who played a significant role in the establishment of the American fur industry in the Pacific Northwest. He founded the Pacific Fur Company, which had a trading post and fort at Astoria, Oregon.

2. Robert Gray: An American sea captain who discovered and explored the mouth of the Columbia River in 1792. His discoveries aided future American claims to the area, as the river served as a significant point of access to the Pacific Northwest.

3. John Quincy Adams: The sixth President of the United States, who served from 1825 to 1829. Although not directly involved in the acquisition of the Oregon Territory, Adams's presidency and administration contributed to the diplomatic negotiations with Britain over the territory's boundaries. The resulting Treaty of 1818 allowed for joint occupation of the region by both countries until 1846, when it was divided along the 49th parallel.