Which of the following is NOT true about Georgia's transition to a royal colony?

A. After pressure from groups including the Malcontents, slavery became legal

B. Alcohol became legal in the Georgia colony

C. Colonists were allowed to buy and sell land

D. The trustees remained in control of Georgia's government

B. Alcohol became legal in the Georgia colony

are you sure

I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. I made an error in providing the answer. The correct answer is actually A. After pressure from groups including the Malcontents, slavery became legal. Slavery was actually banned in the original laws and regulations of the Georgia colony. However, it was later legalized in Georgia after the trustees' control ended and the colony became a royal colony. We can assume that Alcohol becoming legal was true in Georgia's transition to a royal colony. Thank you for pointing out the mistake, and I apologize for any confusion caused.