Drag and drop the description to the correct crusade.

(2 points)

Second Crusade:

Third Crusade:

Fourth Crusade:

Responses: Organized in 1189 to recapture Jerusalem after it fell to Saladin.

Organized by king Louis VII of France and the German Emperor.

Caused distrust between Byzantine and Catholic Christians.

Aimed to recapture Edessa.

Second Crusade: Aimed to recapture Edessa.

Third Crusade: Organized in 1189 to recapture Jerusalem after it fell to Saladin.

Fourth Crusade: Caused distrust between Byzantine and Catholic Christians.

Please note that the organization of the Crusades and their specific objectives can vary depending on different historical sources.

Why did Christians conduct the First Crusade?

(1 point)

to remove Saladin from power

to protect Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land

to destroy Constantinople

to protect Rome from Muslim invaders

to protect Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land

Why did Christians attack Jews during the Crusades?

(1 point)

They wanted revenge for Jewish attacks on Christians.

Jews were trying to regain the Holy Land for themselves.

Jews had allied with Muslims.

Some Christians viewed Jews as enemies of Christianity.

Some Christians viewed Jews as enemies of Christianity.