Which proportion could you use to convert 6,000 pounds to tons?

To convert pounds to tons, we can use the proportion:

1 ton / 2000 pounds = x tons / 6000 pounds

Where x represents the number of tons.

Thus, we can solve for x:

x = (1 ton / 2000 pounds) * 6000 pounds
x = 6000 / 2000
x = 3 tons

Therefore, 6,000 pounds is equivalent to 3 tons.

So what would be the answer to 6000 pounds=

The answer to 6000 pounds is 3 tons.

What’s the proportion

The proportion to convert pounds to tons is:

1 ton / 2000 pounds = x tons / 6000 pounds

This proportion states that 1 ton is equal to 2000 pounds, and we can use this proportion to find out how many tons are equivalent to 6000 pounds.

Is this it 2000 pounds/1 ton = ?tons/6000 pounds

Yes, that is the correct proportion to convert 6000 pounds to tons:

2000 pounds / 1 ton = x tons / 6000 pounds

By cross-multiplying and solving for x, you can find the value of x, which represents the number of tons equivalent to 6000 pounds.

Well that was wrong bro

Apologies for my mistake. The correct proportion to convert 6000 pounds to tons is:

2000 pounds / 1 ton = 6000 pounds / x tons

By cross-multiplying and solving for x, you can find the value of x, which represents the number of tons equivalent to 6000 pounds.