What is Momentum?

Define Momentum A:
How are force and momentum different?A:
What is the formula for momentum?A:
Describe the momentum in a closed system. Is there a formula?A:
Conservation of Momentum
What is a system?A:
How is a closed system different from an open system?A:
How does a newton’s cradle deompstrate conservation of momentum?A:
How does a space shuttle use conservation of momentum to leave earth?A:
Why do astronauts need to be tethered on a space walk?A:
Using Vectors to describe momentum
Why is velocity considered a vector quantity?A:
What components do the arrows on a vector represent?A:
How do you add vectors for vector sum?A:
What is the difference between an elastic and inelastic collision?A:
How is conservation of momentum useful in a traffic accident?A:
What is angular momentum?A:
What is meant by moment of inertia?A:
What is a tangential force on a merry go round?A:
What is the formula for angular momentum?A:
Why does a skator spin faster if they pull in their arms?A:
What are kepler’s laws?A:
Identifying Systems with Zero Net Force
How do you tell if there is not a net force on a system?A:
Proving Conservation of Momentum
Calculate the momentum of a toy car with a mass of .033 kg, traveling 1.23 m in 3.2 s.A:
Force and Work Relationships
How is work calculated?A:

Work and Power
List 2 ways work can be done on an object.A:
What is power and how is it calculated? A:

Momentum is a physics term that refers to the quantity of motion an object has. It is the product of an object's mass and velocity.

Momentum A refers to the first definition of momentum given above.

Force and momentum are different in that force causes a change in an object's momentum. Force is the action that results in a change in the motion of an object, while momentum is the property of an object that determines how it will continue to move.

The formula for momentum is: momentum (p) = mass (m) x velocity (v).

In a closed system, the total momentum remains constant. This means that the momentum before an event is equal to the momentum after the event. The conservation of momentum in a closed system can be described by the formula: (m1v1 + m2v2 + ... + mnvn)before = (m1v1 + m2v2 + ... + mnvn)after.

A system is a collection of objects or particles that are being studied or observed together.

A closed system is one in which no external forces act upon it. It is isolated from its surroundings and does not exchange matter or energy with them. An open system, on the other hand, can exchange matter or energy with its surroundings.

A Newton's cradle demonstrates the conservation of momentum by showing the transfer of momentum from one ball to another. When one ball is lifted and released, it transfers its momentum to the next ball, and this continues throughout the system. The total momentum of the system remains constant.

A space shuttle uses conservation of momentum to leave Earth by expelling gas or propellant at high speeds in the opposite direction of its desired motion. By Newton's third law of motion, the expulsion of the propellant creates an equal and opposite force on the shuttle, propelling it forward.

Astronauts need to be tethered on a spacewalk to ensure their safety and prevent them from floating away into space. The tether provides a connection to the spacecraft and acts as a means of controlling the astronaut's motion, preventing them from drifting away due to the absence of gravity.

Velocity is considered a vector quantity because it has both magnitude (speed) and direction. In other words, it requires both a numerical value and a specific direction to fully describe it.

The components of the arrows on a vector represent the magnitude (length) and direction of the vector. The length of the arrow represents the magnitude, while the direction of the arrow represents the direction of the vector.

To add vectors for vector sum, you can place the vectors head-to-tail and then draw a vector from the tail of the first vector to the head of the last vector. The vector sum is the resultant vector from this process.

An elastic collision is a collision in which both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved, while an inelastic collision is a collision in which momentum is conserved but kinetic energy is not conserved.

Conservation of momentum is useful in a traffic accident as it can help determine how the velocities of the vehicles involved change after the collision. By calculating the total momentum before and after the collision, one can analyze the effects of the collision and make conclusions about the forces involved.

Angular momentum is the rotational counterpart of linear momentum. It is a measure of an object's rotational motion, determined by its moment of inertia and rotational velocity.

Moment of inertia refers to an object's resistance to changes in its rotational motion. It is commonly represented by the symbol I and depends on both the mass distribution and shape of the object.

A tangential force on a merry-go-round is a force that acts in the direction tangent to the circular path of the object. It can cause the object to change its rotational velocity.

The formula for angular momentum is: angular momentum (L) = moment of inertia (I) x angular velocity (ω).

When a skater pulls in their arms, their moment of inertia decreases due to a redistribution of mass closer to the axis of rotation. According to the conservation of angular momentum, reducing the moment of inertia increases the angular velocity, resulting in a faster spin.

Kepler's laws are mathematical principles that describe the motion of celestial bodies, specifically planets orbiting around the sun. They were derived by the astronomer Johannes Kepler based on the observations made by Tycho Brahe.

If there is no net force acting on a system, the system is in equilibrium. This means that the system is either at rest or moving with a constant velocity.

To calculate the momentum of a toy car, you multiply its mass (0.033 kg) by its velocity (1.23 m/s). The momentum would be 0.04059 kg·m/s.

Work is calculated by multiplying the force applied to an object by the distance through which the force is applied. The formula for work is: work (W) = force (F) x distance (d).

Two ways work can be done on an object are through the application of a force causing the object to move a certain distance, or through the application of a force causing the object to be deformed.

Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. It is calculated by dividing the work done or energy transferred by the time taken. The formula for power is: power (P) = work (W) / time (t).