Martin Luther wrote the 95 legal system many

European countries have used that organizes and explains the laws.
military system that is still currently used throughout the world.
guide for the education of children that has influenced
Eastern European schools.

I'm sorry, but the statement is not accurate. Martin Luther did not write the legal system that many European countries have used. He was a prominent figure in the Protestant Reformation and is known for writing the Ninety-Five Theses, which criticized certain practices of the Catholic Church. He did not contribute to the development of legal systems. Likewise, he did not develop a military system or a guide for the education of children that influenced Eastern European schools.

You sure

Yes, I am sure. Martin Luther's contributions were primarily in the religious sphere, particularly in the realm of theology and church reform. While his ideas and teachings had a significant impact on European society and influenced various aspects of life, such as education, his direct contributions to legal systems, military systems, or educational guides are not documented.

Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses in order to 

challenge the Catholic Church's practice of selling indulgences and to spark a theological debate on the concept of repentance and forgiveness. The posting of the 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg on October 31, 1517, is considered a pivotal event in the Protestant Reformation. The Theses addressed the abuses surrounding the sale of indulgences by the Church, which Luther believed were exploiting people's fears and manipulating their faith. His intention was to initiate a scholarly discussion to bring about reform within the Church, rather than to start a religious revolution. However, the widespread dissemination of his ideas through the printing press and the subsequent reactions from Church authorities led to significant religious and social changes throughout Europe.