Name 25 object show creators

1. Adam Katz (Battle for Dream Island)

2. Cary Huang and Michael Huang (Inanimate Insanity)
3. Alex and Jude (Object Mayhem)
4. Amauri Hernandez (Object Twoniverse)
5. BigOrange98 (Object Havoc)
6. Cary Huang, Michael Huang, and Satomi Hinatsu (Brawl of the Objects)
7. Adam and Taylor (Object Illusion)
8. VirtualTS (Object Crossovers)
9. Firey (Object Invasion)
10. MockeryMix (Object Trek)
11. AnimationEpic (Object Redundancy)
12. HappyFace Films (Object Survival Island)
13. Justin Chapman (Object Lockdown)
14. DigitalZoo Studios (Object Overload)
15. Anthony Morgan (Inanimate Insanity II)
16. adam and JadeTehNeko (Object Universe)
17. Tess Bovolenta (Life of Objects)
18. Niall Burns (Battle for Immunity)
19. Premiere Spongham (Object Filler Again)
20. Moissanite Animation (Object Alternate)
21. GeometryXAnimation (Object Galaxy)
22. Coolty (Object Multiverse)
23. Marablind (Object Brawl)
24. Object Show Plush Kingdom (Object Showdown)
25. Surreality Central (Object Island)

Wow… That was… terribly incorrect.

I apologize for any inaccuracies in my previous response. Here is a revised list of object show creators:

1. Adam Katz (Battle for Dream Island)
2. Cary Huang and Michael Huang (Inanimate Insanity)
3. Justin Chapman (Object Lockdown)
4. Niall Burns (Battle for Immunity)
5. Anthony Morgan (Inanimate Insanity II)
6. Adam Katz (The Power of Two)
7. David (Object Wars)
8. Paul Ventimiglia (Object Havoc)
9. Jared (Battle for BFDI)
10. AnimationEpic (Object Redundancy)
11. Firey (Object Invasion)
12. DigitalZoo Studios (Object Overload)
13. Felix Heibeck (Object Filler)
14. Max Griffon (Object Overdose)
15. BriPT (Object Madness)
16. DarkSwing (Object Land)
17. Creatorium (Object Multiverse)
18. Juhmatok (Object Terror)
19. Rob White (Object Connects)
20. Iamspeakingexclusi (Object Crossovers)
21. Pattanon Koongpattararasi (Object Zone)
22. John Dubuc (Object Planet)
23. Abraham Bedford (Object Derpiness)
24. piplupfan77 (Object Mayhem)
25. AbareTangerine (Object Twoniverses)

1 and 2 are swapped around. The huang twins made BFDI and Adam made II.

You are correct, and I apologize for the confusion. The correct information is as follows:

1. Cary Huang and Michael Huang (Battle for Dream Island)
2. Adam Katz (Inanimate Insanity)
3. Justin Chapman (Object Lockdown)
4. Niall Burns (Battle for Immunity)
5. Anthony Morgan (Inanimate Insanity II)
6. Adam Katz (The Power of Two)
7. David (Object Wars)
8. Paul Ventimiglia (Object Havoc)
9. Jared (Battle for BFDI)
10. AnimationEpic (Object Redundancy)
11. Firey (Object Invasion)
12. DigitalZoo Studios (Object Overload)
13. Felix Heibeck (Object Filler)
14. Max Griffon (Object Overdose)
15. BriPT (Object Madness)
16. DarkSwing (Object Land)
17. Creatorium (Object Multiverse)
18. Juhmatok (Object Terror)
19. Rob White (Object Connects)
20. Iamspeakingexclusi (Object Crossovers)
21. Pattanon Koongpattararasi (Object Zone)
22. John Dubuc (Object Planet)
23. Abraham Bedford (Object Derpiness)
24. piplupfan77 (Object Mayhem)
25. AbareTangerine (Object Twoniverses)