Brinlyn increased the amount of water she drank per day from 32 oz to 40 oz. By what percentage did Brinlyn increase the amount of water she drank each day?

A 10%10%
B 20%20%
C 25%25%
D 18.75%

To find the percentage increase, we need to calculate the difference between the new amount and the original amount, and then express that difference as a percentage of the original amount.

The original amount was 32 oz and the new amount is 40 oz.

The difference is 40 - 32 = 8 oz.

To express this as a percentage of the original amount, we divide the difference by the original amount and multiply by 100.

(8/32) * 100 = 25%

Therefore, Brinlyn increased the amount of water she drank each day by 25%.

The answer is C. 25%.