In 3–5 sentences, identify one human activity that has increased the amount of lead in drinking water. Then explain the water filtration method best suited to remove lead from the drinking water supply...

One human activity that has increased the amount of lead in drinking water is the use of lead-based pipes and soldering in older buildings. The best water filtration method to remove lead from the drinking water supply is reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis is effective in removing lead as it uses a semipermeable membrane to filter out contaminants, including lead, from the water supply. Additionally, activated carbon filters can also be used as they are capable of adsorbing lead particles.

One human activity that has increased the amount of lead in drinking water is the use of lead pipes and plumbing materials in older infrastructures. Over time, corrosion of these pipes can cause lead particles to leach into the water supply. The best water filtration method to remove lead from the drinking water supply is reverse osmosis. This method uses a semipermeable membrane to remove contaminants, including lead, from the water by forcing it through the membrane under pressure.