Marjam has a goal of taking at least 10,000 steps today. According to her pedometer, she got 2,500 steps in the morning. There are 10 hours left in the day. How many steps will she need to get each hour (assume she walks the same number of steps each hour) for the rest of the day to meet her goal? Solve this problem. Which graph most clearly communicates the solution?

Marjam needs to take 7,500 steps in the remaining hours (10,000 - 2,500 = 7,500).

Therefore, she needs to get 7,500 / 10 = 750 steps each hour for the rest of the day.

The graph that most clearly communicates the solution is a bar graph. Each bar would represent one hour, and the height of each bar would represent the number of steps Marjam needs to take in that hour.

write a inequality for this

Let x be the number of steps Marjam needs to take each hour for the rest of the day.

The inequality is:
x ≥ 750