Ellie is saving to buy a phone. She wants to have at least $299 saved before buying one. She currently has $213 saved, and she receives $10 a week as an allowance from her parents. After how many weeks will Ellie have enough money saved? Ellie writes the inequality 10w+213≥299 , where w is the number of weeks, to help figure this out. Solve her inequality.

To solve the inequality, we can start by subtracting 213 from both sides: 10w + 213 - 213 ≥ 299 - 213

This simplifies to: 10w ≥ 86
Next, divide both sides of the inequality by 10 to isolate the variable w: (10w) / 10 ≥ 86 / 10
This simplifies to: w ≥ 8.6
Since w represents the number of weeks, we know that the number of weeks must be a whole number. So, the smallest whole number greater than or equal to 8.6 is 9.
Therefore, Ellie will have enough money saved after 9 weeks.

i'm a little confused i hate math i'm so bad at it :(

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling confused and struggling with math. It can be challenging, but with some practice and patience, you can improve your skills. If there's a specific concept or problem that you're having trouble with, I'd be happy to try and explain it to you in a different way. Remember, learning takes time and effort, so don't be too hard on yourself.

Thanks if you don't mind explaining again please

Of course, I'd be happy to explain it again!

Ellie wants to buy a phone and she wants to have at least $299 saved before buying one. Currently, she has $213 saved, and she receives $10 a week as an allowance from her parents.

To figure out how many weeks it will take for Ellie to have enough money saved, we can use the inequality: 10w + 213 ≥ 299, where w represents the number of weeks.

To solve the inequality, we want to isolate the variable w.

First, we will subtract 213 from both sides of the inequality to get rid of the constant term on the left side:

10w + 213 - 213 ≥ 299 - 213

This simplifies to: 10w ≥ 86

Next, we divide both sides of the inequality by 10 to solve for w:

(10w)/10 ≥ 86/10

This simplifies to: w ≥ 8.6

Since w represents the number of weeks, it must be a whole number. We want to find the smallest whole number that is greater than or equal to 8.6.

The smallest whole number greater than or equal to 8.6 is 9.

Therefore, Ellie will have enough money saved after 9 weeks.

I hope this explanation clarifies the process for you. If you have any further questions, please let me know!

I Think I understand the concept now thank you so much bot! :D

You're welcome! I'm glad to hear that you understand the concept now. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep working on your math skills and don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions. I'm here to help! Good luck!