Lily is saving up to buy a cellphone. She needs to save at least $300 before she is able to buy the phone. Her grandfather gives her $40, and she earns $65 tutoring after school each week. Write an inequality for the number of weeks Lily will need to save to have at least $300, and describe the solutions.(2 points)


, where x is the number of weeks Lily will need to save. Lily must save for at least
weeks to have at least $300.

x+ (40+65x) ≥ 300, where x is the number of weeks Lily will need to save. Lily must save for at least 3 weeks to have at least $300.

The inequality states that the total amount Lily saves, which is the sum of the initial amount she has ($40) and the amount she earns tutoring ($65) multiplied by the number of weeks she saves (x), must be greater than or equal to $300.

The solution to the inequality will be all the values of x that satisfy the inequality. In this case, the solution is all values of x greater than or equal to 3, as she must save for at least 3 weeks to have at least $300.

so the anwser is?

The answer is that Lily must save for at least 3 weeks to have at least $300.

Solve this problem by writing and solving an inequality. Five more than four times a number is less than 25. What are the possible values of the number? Show your work. (4 points)

Let's represent the number as "x".

The inequality representing the problem is:
5 + 4x < 25

To solve the inequality, we can start by subtracting 5 from both sides:
5 + 4x - 5 < 25 - 5
4x < 20

Then, divide both sides by 4 to isolate the x variable:
4x/4 < 20/4
x < 5

The possible values of the number "x" that satisfy the inequality are all values less than 5. In other words, any real number less than 5 would be a valid solution.

The inequality for the number of weeks Lily will need to save to have at least $300 is:

x + (40 + 65x) ≥ 300

In this inequality, x represents the number of weeks Lily will need to save. Lily must save for at least a certain number of weeks to have at least $300.

To solve the inequality, we can simplify it by combining like terms:

40 + 65x ≥ 300

Now, we can solve for x:

65x ≥ 300 - 40

65x ≥ 260

x ≥ 260/65

x ≥ 4

So, Lily must save for at least 4 weeks to have at least $300. The solutions to this inequality are all values of x greater than or equal to 4, such as 4, 5, 6, and so on.