Lily is saving up to buy a cellphone. She needs to save at least $300 before she is able to buy the phone. Her grandfather gives her $40, and she earns $65 tutoring after school each week. Write an inequality for the number of weeks Lily will need to save to have at least $300, and describe the solutions.(2 points)

Let "w" be the number of weeks it takes for Lily to save up at least $300.

The amount of money she saves each week can be represented as:

$65 (tutoring earnings) + $40 (grandfather's gift) = $105

Therefore, the inequality for the number of weeks would be:

105w + x ≥ 300

where "x" is the amount of money Lily currently has.

The solutions to this inequality will be any non-negative integer "w" that satisfies the equation, since Lily cannot have a non-integer number of weeks. The specific value of "x" will depend on how much money Lily has saved previously or how much additional money she may receive.

How many weeks