"The Gettysburg Address"

by Abraham Lincoln

Gettysburg address delivered at Gettysburg Pa. Nov. 19th, 1863. [n. p. n. d.].

Gettysburg Address

Delivered at Gettysburg, Pa.

Nov. 19th 1863.

1 of 2
Use the passages to answer the question.


Credit Line: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” April 16, 1963. The Estate of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Which theme do the texts share?

(1 point)

America is a great nation.
America is a great nation.

Non-violent resistance is an effective strategy for change.
Non-violent resistance is an effective strategy for change.

Equality is worth fighting for.
Equality is worth fighting for.

War is necessary for change.
War is necessary for change.
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The theme that both texts share is equality is worth fighting for.

please choose one of the respnses

The theme that both texts share is "Non-violent resistance is an effective strategy for change."