Unit 1 Lesson 3: Emancipation

1:(Question) Lincoln’s focus in the Gettysburg Address was to
(Answer) illustrate the importance of the Union and freedom.
2:(Question) Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address
(Answer) at a cemetery.
3:(Question) Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” to
(Answer) all of the above
4:(Question) Reread this sentence from the “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” “I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law.”
(Answer) civil disobedience.
5:(Question) Mr. Smith HIMSELF came to visit us at our school.
(Answer) intensive
6:(Question) After the summer, NO ONE was ready to go back to school.
(Answer) indefinite

you're welcome :)

To answer these questions, you can follow these steps:

1. For the question "Lincoln’s focus in the Gettysburg Address was to" you can determine the answer by reading or researching the Gettysburg Address. It is commonly known that Lincoln's main focus in his speech was to illustrate the importance of the Union and freedom.

2. For the question "Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address," you can find the answer by searching for historical information about the Gettysburg Address. It was delivered at a cemetery.

3. For the question "Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote the 'Letter from Birmingham Jail' to," you can find the answer by examining the purpose of the letter. In this case, the answer is "all of the above," because Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote the letter to address multiple recipients, including the clergymen who criticized his actions during the Civil Rights Movement.

4. For the question about the sentence from the "Letter from Birmingham Jail," you can determine the answer by analyzing the meaning of the sentence. In this case, the sentence is referring to the concept of civil disobedience.

5. For the question about the sentence "Mr. Smith HIMSELF came to visit us at our school," you can identify the type of pronoun used by considering the emphasis placed on "HIMSELF." In this case, it is an intensive pronoun because it emphasizes or intensifies the subject.

6. For the question about the sentence "After the summer, NO ONE was ready to go back to school," you can identify the type of pronoun used by analyzing the capitalization of "NO ONE." In this case, it is an indefinite pronoun because it does not refer to any specific person or thing.

7:(Question) Which amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery?

(Answer) The Thirteenth Amendment.