An SAT tutoring service charges a $500 fee for two sessions, plus $50 for each additional session. Emily doesn't want to spend more than $700 on tutoring. What is the maximum number of additional sessions (beyond the first two) that Emily can book for her tutoring sessions?(1 point)

Let the number of additional sessions be x.

The total cost of the tutoring sessions, including the first two sessions, is $500 + $50x.
We want this to be less than or equal to $700, so we have the inequality:
$500 + $50x ≤ $700
Subtracting $500 from both sides, we have:
$50x ≤ $200
Dividing both sides by $50, we have:
x ≤ 4
Therefore, Emily can book a maximum of 4 additional sessions. Answer: \boxed{4}.