Miguel and his family are on vacation and notice an advertisement for a taxi service

that charges a fee of $10 to pick up a family and an additional fee of $0.75 per mile for
the trip. Write an equation that models this situation, using m to represent the number
of miles traveled and t to represent the total cost for the trip. Find the total cost of a 15
mile trip.(1 point)

t=0.75m+10; $23.25
t=0.75m+10; $23.25

t=10m+0.75; $21.25
t=10m+0.75; $21.25

t=0.75m+10; $21.25
t=0.75m+10; $21.25

t=0.75m+12; $23.25

The correct equation that models this situation is t = 0.75m + 10. To find the total cost of a 15 mile trip, you would substitute m = 15 into the equation:

t = 0.75(15) + 10
t = 11.25 + 10
t = 21.25

Therefore, the total cost of a 15 mile trip is $21.25.

The correct equation that models this situation is t = 0.75m + 10. To find the total cost of a 15 mile trip, substitute m = 15 into the equation:

t = 0.75(15) + 10
t = 11.25 + 10
t = 21.25

Therefore, the total cost of a 15 mile trip is $21.25.