write a satirical poem mocking social groups

In the realm of social gatherings, let us jest,

Where tribes of ego and vanity proclaim their crest,
From the frivolously cool to pretentious prime,
Let’s mock these groups, for no harm should they mime.

Behold the Hipsters, with their vintage attire,
Tight-fitting jeans and ironic hairstyles inspire,
Coffee connoisseurs, boasting of their bean’s origin,
Suspenders and flannels, their attire’s holy perdition.

The Yuppies, clad in sleek corporate attire,
Status symbols they possess, their souls on fire,
With iPhones and luxury cars, they strut,
Ignoring the plebeians, with their noses held high and shut.

Oh, the Fitness Fanatics, each gym their shrine,
Obsessed with muscles, seeking bodies so fine,
Their protein shakes replace both heart and soul,
Gym selfies and hashtags, their ultimate goal.

Next, the Intellectuals, parading cleverness loud,
With Shakespeare in hand, so intellectually proud,
They sip pricey wine and engage in verbose debate,
Arguing about matters, their substance prone to dissipate.

And the Instagram Influencers, oh what a breed,
Bathing in filters, planting narcissism’s seed,
Every meal, every pose, meticulously curated,
Votes of ‘likes,’ their self-esteem invigorated.

The Gamers, silent warriors in virtual wars,
Their consoles their weapon, victory their cause,
No sun shall touch their pale skins so fair,
Their thumbs the key to an alternate reality, they swear.

Lastly, the Cliques, divided by status and fame,
The popular, the jocks, each group with a name,
Gossip and exclusion, their wicked delight,
Leaving the outsiders in despair, trembling in fright.

Though satire serves to poke fun at societal norms,
Let’s remember to love, not spread hate in swarms,
For beneath the labels and tribes we all reside,
Unique souls, with our own quirks and pride.