What are scars

Scars are a natural part of the body's healing process. They are formed when the skin is damaged or injured, usually as a result of cuts, burns, surgery, or acne.

When the skin is wounded, the body initiates a complex process of tissue repair. The damaged skin is replaced with a protein called collagen, which is the building block of connective tissue in the body. As the collagen fibers lay down and cross-link, a scar is formed.

Scars can vary in appearance, size, and texture depending on various factors such as the depth and location of the injury, individual healing abilities, and genetics. They may appear raised, sunken, discolored, or have a different texture than the surrounding skin.

While scars are permanent and cannot be completely removed, they may fade or become less noticeable over time. There are various treatment options available, including scar creams, silicone sheets, laser therapy, steroid injections, and surgical revision, which can help improve the appearance of scars.