Which trait is inherited?(1 point)


physical fitness
physical fitness



hair leng

hair length


hair length

Hair length is a trait that can be inherited. In order to determine which trait is inherited, we can look at the patterns of inheritance for each trait and consider the fact that traits can be influenced by multiple factors such as genetics, environment, and lifestyle.

In the case of hair length, it is primarily determined by genetic factors. The specific genes responsible for hair length can be passed down from parents to offspring. For example, if both parents have long hair, it is more likely that their children will also have long hair. Similarly, if both parents have short hair, their children are more likely to have short hair.

However, it's important to note that hair length can also be influenced by other factors such as hair care practices, nutrition, and overall health. While genetics play a major role in determining hair length, it is possible for certain environmental and lifestyle factors to also have an impact.

To determine which trait is inherited, it's important to understand the specific genetic patterns and factors that influence each trait. For hair length, it is primarily determined by genetics, specifically the genes passed down from parents to offspring.