1/4 x minis 3/4 > 5 1/4

To solve this inequality, we can first convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.

1/4 x minis 3/4 can be rewritten as (1/4)x - 3/4.

Rewriting 5 1/4 as an improper fraction, we get 21/4.

So, (1/4)x - 3/4 > 21/4.

To isolate x, we can add 3/4 to both sides:

(1/4)x > 21/4 + 3/4


(1/4)x > 24/4

(1/4)x > 6

Now, multiply both sides by 4 to get rid of the fraction:

4 * (1/4)x > 4 * 6

x > 24

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is x > 24.