Solve and graph the solution for this inequality.

7n +1 > 169
Need Help? Solving Two-Step Inequalities
(16 points,

To solve the inequality 7n + 1 > 169, we need to isolate the variable n on one side of the inequality sign.

Let's begin by subtracting 1 from both sides of the inequality:
7n + 1 - 1 > 169 - 1
7n > 168

Next, we need to divide both sides of the inequality by 7 to solve for n:
(7n)/7 > 168/7
n > 24

The solution for the inequality is n > 24.

To graph the solution on a number line, we can start by plotting a closed circle at 24, since 24 is not included in the solution. Then, we draw an arrow pointing to the right to indicate that the numbers greater than 24 are included in the solution.

Here's a visual representation of the graph:
